Many thanks for Mariani leading us to Museum Collections Centre in Birmingham, where is amazing, especially the car display~~
the fountain in the Victoria square
JJ, Lifu, Sayaka and I-Chun
the Tank is coming~~
Mariani, me and JJ
Arial Leader M/cycle
Austin A90 Atlantic
Steam Tractor
'Ye Gods' and 'Old Don'
Rover P5 Automatic
Rover SD1 Automatic
Heinkel 'Cabin Cruiser'
Me, Mariani and 'Cabin Cruiser'
Clement Panhard
M.G. Midget (J Series)
B. S. A. Motorcycle
Harley Davidson M/cycle
Exhaust Pipes
Music Box
Wahsing Machine
Vaccum Cleaner
Mosaic Floor
Treadle Sewing Machine
Magic Lantern
Cash Registers
E.M.G. Gramophone
Fish and chips fry machine
Lovely free bus!!