
久違了  好久沒Po 文了

星期五才剛交了論文  用心酸血淚編織成的一萬兩千字論文啊....

星期六就忙著打包  不過 打包中還不忘到美麗的劍橋逗留一番  真的好美啊 難怪徐志摩能寫下美麗的詩篇  不過我想當年應該更美麗吧  因為少了嘈雜的觀光客....雖然我也算其中之一  星期天 就搭著火車  來到另一個美麗的國度  愛丁堡  (因為蘇格蘭其實跟英格蘭是不同國  所以我算又出國了 ㄏㄏ)   星期一就接著上班 我真的覺得自己還很年輕 可以這樣操  而且是在連續每天只睡三小時  拼命寫論文  然後繼續這樣忙  不過  大家別擔心 我昨天終於睡了超過六小時了  真是不容易啊~~~

以下是我的工作日記  兩天份一起貼上來  大家有空可以看看

Work diary



I’ve learned how to set up the collection database system, which delivers images and information in details of objects in East Lothian Council museum services. It may be beneficial to visitors, who like to see the images of objects and access the information of the objects on line.

By the way, many thanks Sheila and Jo’s welcome lunch. Baked-potato chilly is quite nice. What a fabulous day!




I’ve visited “I Kent His Faither” Exhibition in Musselburgh and the Prestongrange Museum today.

The Kent His Faither Exhibition displayed by many volunteers from their community in Musselburgh. Musselburgh used to be a fishing village so there are some fishing lifestyles displays there. Also, golf club culture is very popular in Musselburgh and the history can be traced long time ago. Visitors can have a look about it in that exhibition as well. Generally, the exhibition can represent their spirit of the community. I consider that the similar idea may contribute the development of a fishing village, where is near my hometown. That would be very interesting, for example, fishing process display, fishing industry introduction and the history, which may be related to school programmes about developing their local culture.


The Prestongrange Museum is a “C” mining heritage. The gold mining museum in Taiwan pops out my mind suddenly when I visited this museum. Well, as the guide tour said, it’s not just a museum, where provides people to visit and it can be a part the history from 18 century to 19 century about industry revolution and salvation history. The large steam engine is very impressive. I can imagine how difficult to move it from the port in 19 century. I can’t believe that workers can stand the noise it made while it running. Kate, my boss as well, is thinking about engagement of multi-sensory, like sound, smell… and so on in order to help visitors to imagine the producing process.









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