I'm so happy that I can relax for a while because I've submitted my assignment of 3299 words. Recently, I usually went to bed over midnight. Especially the two days before deadline, I slept at over 3 o'clock. Gosh~~ I survive, fortunately!! But I still have to wait for my feedback of the essay~~I'm a little bit nervous. God bless me.
The following is about my birthday celebration. Firstly, I would like to thank Miki , who is a cute and beautiful Japanese girl booked the Indian Resteraunt for me, where is Akash. There are many friends from different countries in my party.
These are Stella and Kristine from Taiwan. Linda, Tamami, Emi from Taiwan and Japan separately,
The handsome boy in the middle of photo is Toni from Spain, who is very interesting.
Next is Norge from Thailand
and he looks like my younger brother in this photo. Finally, these are Paolo and JJ from Italy and Taiwan seperately, who took the Indian cookie which is ver special and large enough to fill with your stomach. Many thanks for you guys celebrate with me and I'm glad to meet you in the UK. I'm so lucky~~ Best wishes.