(I went to the library and gym today.)
這裡的冬天 日照很短 只有早上十點到下午三點天是亮的 所以不適合去美麗的維多利亞公園慢跑
(During winter, the sky is bright from 10am to 3pm simply here. Therefore, it's not a good idea to go jogging around the Victoria Park.)
--> That's why the gym is the best choice.
我發現打中文又打英文的 好難喔 哈哈 比全部打英文的還要難耶 而且我最近也開始懷疑自己的英文到底進步有多少?? 真的有進步嗎@@
(I find that translation from chinese to English or from English to chinese is more difficult than just write all in English. Recently, I have doubted that I've improved my English very much or not.) ----> I think that the answer is nope!!!
In conclusion, I have to study harder and harder....