Finally, our first week of this term finished. It's really really busy. I feel that I haven't taken a rest enough because we just submitted an essay on Mon. These days, we should start to prepare next one. Haha, such a busy schedule.

Also, I have to consider about our placement and the topic of dissertation for 15,000. I have no ideas so far. What should I do now???

Anyway, best wishes for everyone.

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繼連續三天的聖誕火雞大餐  我可以宣布 第二件褲子穿不下的消息了(我發誓 不是我愛穿裙子  是褲子真的裝不下我了@@)

這幾天我吃了很傳統的英國聖誕大餐  感覺很像在台灣的過年  一直吃一直吃  不過 真的很開心啦  好幸福喔  謝謝David&Shirley, Dianne&John, Vincent&Mechelle等夫婦的招待,OH! 其實 還有Clive&Val  聖誕節前夕也去他們家大飽一頓了  很溫馨很有質感的聖誕節。還要特別感謝學長姐還幫我們準備了台式火鍋  我聞到熟悉的火鍋味時  都感動到要流眼淚了~~~Many thanks to many people for so sufficient food.


這是David & Shirley的家  他們兩位是畫家  七十歲高齡了  還是相當健朗  我在這裡讓他們照顧很多~~~照片裡的人物  就是JJ, 佳欣, me 還有Lovely Linda. 


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短短的五個多月  已經有一件褲子穿不下了@@~~  不是快要穿不下喔 是已經穿不下了....

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(I went to the library and gym today.)

這裡的冬天  日照很短  只有早上十點到下午三點天是亮的  所以不適合去美麗的維多利亞公園慢跑
(During winter, the sky is bright from 10am to 3pm simply here. Therefore, it's not a good idea to go jogging around the Victoria Park.)
--> That's why the gym is the best choice.

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呼呼  大家最近好嗎  好久不見咧

我們已經放假囉,系上也開完期末的聖誕party, 但這期間我還是會乖乖到圖書館報到, 因為放假過後馬上又要交一份四千字的報告, 這是不能開玩笑的。

快樂的時光總是過得特別快,來到英國已經五個多月了,但總覺得自己英文功力沒有大增,我想問題就是出在自己還不夠努力吧。不過,在寫作方面我有漸入佳境了,第一份作業拿到了一個planning excellent, 其實還頗開心的, 但我知道自己還需要加強很多  不管聽說讀寫各方面(要切換標點符號好麻煩喔~~)

在這裡最大的收穫應該就是認識很多人(其實這個我在台灣就收穫很多了), 我很幸運的來到這個聯合國班級, the UK, the USA, Canada, Italy, Greece, Neatherland, Spain, Japan, ~~~很多來自不同國家的同學  而且大家都很Nice!! 尤其是英國人Megan, Jo and Chris 我們常常一起討論事情  不管是課業  生活  一切點點滴滴。當然還有台灣的朋友啦 JJ, Stella, Norge, Lifu(她已經快被歸類為台灣人了).. 還有我們的Study group 也還頗有趣的

我想等我學成歸國  應該能夠辦桌了吧  目前開得出來的菜單有: 義大利麵  咖哩雞 嫩雞炒麵  雞肉燴生蔬 清燉牛肉麵 滑蛋牛肉粥(雞肉或海鮮也可) 青椒沙茶牛(豬) 最近要開始實驗橙汁豬柳了(因為這裡排骨不好買) 這裡外食實在是太貴了  自己煮好吃健康又省錢^^  喔 還有蘋果蛋糕^^

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  I'm so happy that I can relax for a while because I've submitted my assignment of 3299 words. Recently, I usually went to bed over midnight. Especially the two days before deadline, I slept at over 3 o'clock. Gosh~~ I survive, fortunately!! But I still have to wait for my feedback of the essay~~I'm a little bit nervous. God bless me.

The following is about my birthday celebration. Firstly, I would like to thank Miki , who is a cute and beautiful Japanese girl booked the Indian Resteraunt for me, where is Akash. There are many friends from different countries in my party.

These are Stella and Kristine from Taiwan.  Linda, Tamami, Emi from Taiwan and Japan separately, The handsome boy in the middle of photo is Toni from Spain, who is very interesting. Next is Norge from Thailand and he looks like my younger brother in this photo. Finally, these are Paolo and JJ from Italy and Taiwan seperately, who took the Indian cookie which is ver special and large enough to fill with your stomach. Many thanks for you guys celebrate with me and I'm glad to meet you in the UK. I'm so lucky~~ Best wishes.


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 I found mistakes from one of the most famous newspapers in the UK which is the Guardian.

The news is talking about the windfall from renewable energy policy.
The following is the 14th paragraph adapted from the news:

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 I got up at 5.30 and left for London from Leicester at 6:00. Firstly, we visited the Buckingham Palace and waited for the changing of guard. We met some spanish who were impolite and rude during that time. They destory my impression of Spain. It was so pitty that we couldn't see the changing of guard because there was a concert in front of the Palace. Sign~~
After that, we visited the Westminster Abbey where was filled with ancient atmosphere. We bought the entrance tickets which cost 9 pounds per student. It was worthwhile to mention that there were some heritage of famous people such as Newton, Shakespeare and a composer. We could use the audio guide which was free and included lots of information about English history concerning the Abbey. I could feel the ancient atmosphere here more that the Warwick Castle where I visited before. In Warwick Castle, I just could find the relationship between the castle and battle, weapon, kight, and sword. Also, I could not discover the historic value in the Castle. However, in the Westminster Abbey where is more meaningful for a student who wants to understand English history deeply.
 Finally, we took some pictures in front of the Parliament, Tower Bridge on the Themes, and Big Ben which are the symbols of London. I hope that I stay at London for several days in the future.

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 This is a good song that I found in this book, "English Phrasal Verbs in Use"  (Barbra Streisand)

Isn't it rich?
Are we a pair?

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Even the most studious among you will probably have difficulty studying at some stage in your academic career. If or when this happens, the only way to  (1)                            this problem is to go back to basics. First, make sure you have a comfortable environment to (2)                             in. Some students need to have a quiet space to themselves and can’t (3)                            if there are too many distractions. Others need some sort of background noise, such as music or the company of friends. Whatever your personal preference is, you need to   (4)                              this first of all. Next, make sure you have all of the equipment or tools that you need. For example, if you are (5)                              a geography course and you have to (6)                                about countries and their capital cities then you will need to have your atlas to hand. If you’re (7)                                your maths homework then be sure to find your calculator, ruler, protractor and compass before you start. Perhaps you’re not preparing a homework assignment or project, but are trying to (8)                               for an exam. If so, you need to know exactly what is on your curriculum. You should also (9)                                 your notes and make sure that you have a clear understanding of what your lecturers have (10)                                you. Of course, people with a learning disorder such as dyslexia may need to work harder than others at their studies as they often struggle to read even relatively simple texts.




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I got a new name "Badminton Girl" in England. I usually hear this name when I meet a new friend. However, I suffered the Midexam which was very difficult. That's why the heading is that "Badminton girl is killed by horrible Mid-exam."
Yesterday, I was excited that Taiwanese Badminton player had a good performance in 2008 Olympic game. Thanks a lot for Pei reading the score for me. Best wishes to everyone.
God bless me pass the all test!!!

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今天付了這兩個月的宿舍費 阿烏  670 pounds,折合台幣約四萬多。 依照我一個禮拜花費20鎊來算,我還可以活24個禮拜。不過,如果要算上旅費,那就另當別論了。下禮拜去Lake District  下下禮拜去London, Oh my God~~~~

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    星期六一大早,跟Tamami一同步行到Leicester Train Station,展開了我們的城堡行。從Leicester到Warwick需要在Birmingham轉車,轉車還要出車站那就刺激了,我們很不確定的頻頻問人。
    終於來到了Warwick Train Station,車站不大,感覺也沒什麼人潮,剛好遇到好心的老太太帶著兩個可愛的小孫子,真的很可愛,她帶我們去找我夢中的城堡。走著走著,終於來到了the gate of Warwick Castle, 大門看起來不怎麼起眼,不過呢,在近千年前,能有這樣的建築,應該真的是很了不起了。我與Tamami一起穿過蔭森的石頭步道,幻想著古代騎士在這條古道騎馬的情境,好不美妙!
我們在城堡內待了五個多小時,最後買了一點紀念品 3.02英鎊,直到下午四點半才出城門,真捨不得離開~~~

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這個新聞  我相信

所謂的「小世界現象」或「小世界效應」,是假設世界任何角落的兩個陌生人,只要透過六個人當中介,就可以和彼此拉上關係。這個假設因此又被稱為六度分隔理論(six degrees of separation)。

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